Welcome! You are about to begin changing the way your body supports you!

In this course you will find and learn how to feel, use and integrate your pelvic floor and deep core muscles! Your deep core strength will improve so you can feel better supported and experience less leaking!

Course Curriculum

    1. Who I am

    2. Important Tidbits

    1. About the Program

    1. Why train these muscles?

    2. Text - Your Deep Core Muscles

    3. Picture - Transverse Abdominis Muscle

    4. Picture - Deep Core Muscles

    1. Posture

    2. Text - Finding your better postures

    1. Breathing

    2. Text - Finding your breath pattern

    3. Picture - Diaphragmatic Breathing and Pelvic Floor Muscles

    1. TVA

    2. Text - How to engage your TVA

    3. Picture - Transverse Abdominis Muscle

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 52 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

About the instructor

Physiotherapist & Certified Pilates Teacher Cathy Watson

I'm a registered physiotherapist and a certified Pilates teacher with a special focus on pelvic floor health.In the past, I taught group fitness classes, became a personal trainer, became certified with Stott in Pilates and then went into physiotherapy school at UBC.Because of my fitness background, I always knew I wanted to combine my physiotherapy treatments with Pilates and have been doing this for more than a decade.As I have increased my studies into understanding more about the pelvic floor, I feel very passionate about bringing this information into the fitness and Pilates environments.As teachers and trainers we are already helping people with osteoarthritis, hip and knee replacement, Parkinson's, cardiac issues...so why not add pelvic floor dysfunction into the exercise arena as well? It is a perfect fit and one that needs to be accomplished considering how many people suffer from pelvic floor dysfunction issues.